Posts Tagged: art notebook

Sketches, Doodles and Notes about Nothing, Everything and Art on AMAZON

sketches doodles and notes about nothing everything and art notebook janet bright artist ideas

$1.99 USD on Amazon

Keeping a notebook is vital to the creative process, reinforcing observation, communication and expressive skills on a regular basis.

” Sketches, Doodles and Notes about Nothing, Everything and Art ” is a selection of pages from artist J. Bright’s collection of over 75 notebooks. It is a companion book to “How to Paint with Acrylics HANDBOOK for the Absolute Beginner” and “How to Paint with Acrylics LESSONS for the Absolute Beginner” also by J. Bright, due to be published in spring 2016.

An interesting, fun and easy read, the handwritten notes, sketches and doodles in this book will give you ideas about how to get started with a notebook of your own. 

buy now at amazon sketches doodles and notes about nothing everything and art

You can read this book on any device; phone, laptop or tablet. All you need is the Kindle App. Get it here:  for Android and here: for Apple

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