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Creating art teaches us to focus on details and requires that we pay careful attention to our surroundings. When we create, we see the world from a new perspective and boost creativity in all aspects of our lives.
How to Paint with Acrylics HANDBOOK for the Absolute Beginner is an overview of the Absolute Basics you need to start painting today, with Clear Concept Descriptions, Photos, Diagrams, Illustrations, Terms & Definitions and Ideas to help you become the artist you’ve always dreamed you could be.
Read How to Paint with Acrylics HANDBOOK for the Absolute Beginner in conjunction with How to Paint with Acrylics LESSONS for the Absolute Beginner, also by J. Bright and get ready to create.
* You can read this book on any device; phone, laptop or tablet. All you need is the Kindle App. Get it here: for Android and here: for Apple
HANDBOOK Table of Contents
1. Welcome
2. There are Painters Who Transform the Sun..
3. Paint Basics
. Acrylic Paints
4. Paint Quality
. What’s Best for the Beginner
. The Value of High Quality Paints
. The Value of Student Quality Paints
5. Paint Brushes
. The Parts of a Brush
. Shapes & Uses
. Bristle & Handle Types
. Brushes for the Beginner
. Caring for Brushes
6. Painting Surfaces
7. Other Supplies for Painting
8. Space Requirements
9. Colour
. Colour from Light
. Colour Pigments
. Organizing Colour
. Relativity of Colour
. Terms & Definitions
10. Layout & Composition
. The Visual Weight of Colour
. The Visual Weight of Objects
. The Rule of Thirds
. Distance & 3-Dimensionality
. Terms & Definitions
On Amazon
This book is for you, the secret dreamer who has always imagined you could be an artist!
How to Paint with Acrylics LESSONS for the Absolute Beginner will give you the confidence you need to start painting today with easy-to-follow exercises and lessons, including Step-by-Step Photo Illustrated Painting Lessons, Observation, Drawing & Painting Worksheet Exercises, Exercise & Lesson Images for Copy or Print, Lesson Support Reference photos and
Skills, Techniques & Ideas to help you become the artist you’ve always dreamed you could be.
Become the artist you’ve always imagined and read How to Paint with Acrylics LESSONS for the Absolute Beginner in conjunction with How to Paint with Acrylics HANDBOOK for the Absolute Beginner, also by J. Bright.
* You can read this book on any device; phone, laptop or tablet. All you need is the Kindle App. Get it here: for Android and here: for Apple
#4 Pleasure
Creating art increases the ‘feel good’ chemical dopamine in your brain
#1 Relaxation
Creating art provides distraction from the everyday & gives you a break from your usual thoughts and worries
We don’t expect ourselves to know how to bake a cake without a recipe.
So why do we expect ourselves to know how to paint without a recipe?
It is completely (definitely!) possible to Learn to Paint! by following a recipe and taking a class. No Experience Necessary.
How to Paint with Acrylics at acrylicmuse.com is an online painting course where it’s all about the basics; supplies, skills and creative thinking for the most beginner of beginners.
Get that first stroke of paint on the canvas today!
Reason 6: Save $ / Online learning costs are significantly lower than those of formal classroom education.
Reason #4: No one has to know what classes you’re taking or at what pace you work.
Reason #3: No need to drive across town to start learning- What will you DO with all that extra time?